Join the movement.


  • Display a Yard Sign

    Ready to show your support? Sign up below to display a yard sign on your property. Provide your information and we will drop one off to you.

  • Contribute to the Campaign

    If you believe in Ryan Keim for Oceanside Mayor and want to support the campaign, consider donating today!

  • Walk a Neighborhood

    Join Team Keim by participating in door-to-door outreach. Help us spread awareness about his priorities for Oceanside and get Ryan Keim elected for Oceanside Mayor.

  • Host a Meeting

    Volunteer your time by bringing your community together to meet Ryan Keim and discuss your vision for Oceanside!

Let’s work together to help elect Ryan Keim for Oceanside Mayor!

Please fill our your information below and specify how you would like to get involved. We will be in touch shortly! We really appreciate you joining the team!